This data is a subset of the marylandedu::msde_attendance dataset.
A data frame with 5,585 rows and 18 variables:
School year or academic year, e.g. 2019 for 2019-2020 school year
School number (0 indicates all schools)
School name
Grade range used for attendance details.
Attendance rate as defined as the average daily attendance rate of students in the school and grade band, including special education students
Total number of students in attendance from the first day of school through April 13th
Total number of students registered to attend from the first day of school through April 13th
Percent of students absentee rate is the percentage of students absent from school for five or fewer days between the first day of the school year and the last day of the school year
Count of students absentee rate is the percentage of students absent from school for five or fewer days between the first day of the school year and the last day of the school year
Percent of students absentee rate is the percentage of students absent from school for twenty or more days between the first day of the school year and the last day of the school year
Number of students absentee rate is the percentage of students absent from school for twenty or more days between the first day of the school year and the last day of the school year
Number of students with an attendance rate of 90 percent or more
Number of students expected to attend school for at least 10 days who were absent 10 percent or more of the school days while enrolled at that school
Number of students who are expected to attend school for at least 10 days in the school year
Chronic absenteeism rate as defined as the percent of students expected to attend school for at least 10 days who were absent 10 percent or more of the school days while enrolled at that school
Date record created.
Local school system (LSS) number as integer. NA is used in place of a LSS number for statewide data. Older LEA numbers are combined with LSS numbers in this dataset.
Local school system (LSS) names (typically same as county name). "State" is used in place of a LSS name for statewide data. Older LEA names are combined with LSS names in this dataset.