Working with attributes in R (and QGIS)

These slides are not formatted and mainly consist of notes in their current form.

Using QGIS to work with attribute data

September 14 - QGIS notes

Where do people encouter expressions?

  • Field calculator: Change the value of an existing or new field based on an expression

    • Interface includes:

      • Expression editor

      • Expression search/reference

      • Help reference pane

      • Preview/validation

    • Features

      • Autocompletion

      • Validation in preview section

      • Check boxes to create

        • a new field (equivalent to dplyr::mutate())

        • virtual field

      • Custom expression language modelled on SQL; most similar PostGIS

      • Functional language; Expression must be a single command of chained functions

      • Different types of values, but it is not strict about it, e.g. ‘4’ + 6 (more forgiving than R)

    • Watch out!

      • Trap: character literals must be wrapped in single quotes; double-quotes are reserved for field references

      • Trap: NULL values return NULL, e.g. 5 + NULL is NULL

    • Tips!

      • || is concatenate

      • Number fields are evaluated as expressions

      • @ references variables (variable are context dependent, e.g. scale)

      • Context-dependent variables have informative prefixes (e.g. map_... ) and only appear in widgets where they are available. Variable scopes include:

        • global

        • project (can override global variables)

        • map

        • layout or layout item

Expressions are first built for Field calculator but also appear as:

  • Expression dialogue for custom labels

  • Select by expression (very common use)

  • Layer feature styling

  • Tips on using expression builder with Layout

    • Enclose expressions in [% and %] to evaluate

Things to demonstrate

  • View > New map view

  • Use symbol_color variable to match label color to symbol color

September 21 - QGIS Notes

Stats Summary panel

  • Starts with layer selection

  • Nice for interactive exploration

  • Option to limit stats to selected features

  • Allows use of expressions in calculating stats

Kind of nice but... don’t use it

  • Old school GIS technique

  • Ad hoc data analysis and not reproducible


Use processing toolbox

  • Basic processing algorthims

    • Buffer

    • Centroid

    • Basic stats for fields

    • etc.

  • Advanced/esoteric techniques

For exploratory analysis

  • Processing

    • Basic stats for fields
    • Stats by category
  • Notes

    • Not quite as interactive

    • Generates an HTML report

    • End up with a bunch of files (HTML and spatial data) in folder w/ no way to keep track of it

But still... don’t do that either.

Instead use:

  • Processing modeler to create a graphical analysis

    • Allows someone else (including future you) to see analysis process

    • Option to save models inside a project

    • Models will appear within processing toolbox whenever you open the project file

  • Data-defined layer styling

    • See equivalent to mapview w/ zcol
# test code