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This function provides an alternative to get_fars_year() that downloads files directly from NHTSA FTP site. If read is TRUE, the function reads a list containing data frames for each table available in the selected year. If geometry is TRUE, the accident table is converted to an sf object.


  year = 2021,
  format = "csv",
  path = NULL,
  pr = FALSE,
  aux = FALSE,
  read = TRUE,
  geometry = FALSE,
  overwrite = FALSE



Year of data from 1975 to 2021, Default: 2021


Format of zipped data tables ('csv' or 'sas'). Default: 'csv'. unzip and geo options are only supported if format is "csv".


Path to download zip file. Set to getwd() if NULL (default).


If TRUE, download FARS data for Puerto Rico. No Puerto Rico data available for years 1975-1977. Default: FALSE


If TRUE and year is after 1982, download auxiliary FARS datasets that "contain data derived from the regular FARS/GES variables using NCSA analytical data classifications." In 2010, the NHTSA explained: "These classifications are widely used in NCSA publications and research. Many definitions such as "speeding-related" or "distracted driving" comprise a combination of variables whose names or attributes have changed over time. The derived variables in the auxiliary files incorporate these nuances, thus simplifying the use of standard classifications in any traffic safety research." Learn more from the FARS and GES Auxiliary Datasets Q & A:


If TRUE, unzip the downloaded file and read CSV files into a list of tables with each list item corresponding to one CSV file.


If TRUE, convert the accident table to a sf object.


If FALSE, abort if file exists at the provided path. If TRUE, overwrite file.


Downloads zip file with CSV or SAS tables and returns the zip file path invisibly or returns a list of data frames (if geometry is FALSE), or returns a list of data frames with the accident table converted to a sf object.