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The goal of d2r is to support the creation, reading, writing, and rendering of D2 diagrams using R.

What is D2? From the D2 Introduction:

D2 is a diagram scripting language that turns text to diagrams. It stands for Declarative Diagramming. Declarative, as in, you describe what you want diagrammed, it generates the image.

I am a contributor to the D2 Extension for Quarto and created this package to experiment with the possibilities of native R diagram creation and rendering.

Note that this package is experimental and the process for building and editing D2 diagrams is likely to change. I also hope to add a knitr engine to support d2 code blocks within a RMarkdown or Quarto document.


You can install the development version of d2r like so:

# pak::pkg_install("elipousson/d2r")



If d2 is installed and available on your PATH, you can check the version:

#> ℹ v0.6.3 <>

If you have D2 installed with Homebrew, you may have trouble rendering a diagram within a RMarkdown. If so, you may need to set an environmental variable that points to the D2 PATH.

Use d2_which() to locate the path for the installed version of D2:

#> [1] "/opt/homebrew/bin/d2"

See this 2018 blog post by Tony Tsai on trouble-shooting PATH variable issues for brew-installed commands.

Basic usage

# Helper function for file paths
fig_path <- \(x) {
  paste0(knitr::opts_chunk$get("fig.path"), x)

options("d2r.pad" = 10)
options("d2r.direction" = "right")

Here is an example of a basic diagram created with d2_diagram():

simple_diagram <- d2_diagram(
  c("R" = "D2")

#> [1] "direction: right" ""                 "R -> D2"


You can also pass unnamed lines of text with D2 syntax, specify connectors (used with the named elements), and set the overall direction for the diagram:

connected_diagram <- d2_diagram(
  c("R" = "D2", "D2" = "R"),
  "R.shape: oval",
  "D2.shape: square",
  connector = "->"

#> [1] "direction: right" ""                 "R -> D2"          "D2 -> R"         
#> [5] "R.shape: oval"    "D2.shape: square"


The entity-relationship diagrams and table schema can be represented using the SQL table style diagrams with d2_sql_table():

mtcars_tbl <- d2_sql_table(mtcars[, 1:4], id = "mtcars")

#> [1] "mtcars: {\n       label: mtcars\n     shape: sql_table\n        mpg: dbl\n\n    cyl: dbl\n\n    disp: dbl\n\n    hp: dbl\n\n}"

d2_include(mtcars_tbl, output = fig_path("mtcars.png"), pad = 10)

You can use d2_render() to convert a D2 file into a PNG, SVG, PDF, or GIF file. d2_include() is a wrapper for knitr::include_graphics() that helps to include a diagram in a Quarto or R Markdown document:

diagram <- d2_diagram(
  c("Beginning" = "Middle",
    "Middle" = "End",
    "End" = "Beginning"),
  "Beginning.shape: circle",
  "End.shape: square",
  direction = "right"

#> [1] "direction: right"        ""                       
#> [3] "Beginning -> Middle"     "Middle -> End"          
#> [5] "End -> Beginning"        "Beginning.shape: circle"
#> [7] "End.shape: square"

  output = fig_path("include-example.png"),
  sketch = TRUE,
  theme = "Terminal"

ggplot2 packages for building diagrams and network visualizations:

Other network visualization packages:

Other packages for working with diagrams: