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This function allows the creation of numbered labels for a vector using a range of numbering styles.


  labels = "arabic",
  start = NULL,
  suffix = NULL,
  base = 26,
  cols = "num_label",
  pad = NULL,
  side = "left",
  quiet = TRUE,
  call = parent.frame()



An integer or other vector or a data.frame. An integer vector or integer column is used as the number that is converted based on the label style. If x is not an integer or data.frame with an integer column, the numbering is created based on seq_along().


Label style. Options include "arabic", "alph", "Alph", "alpha", "Alpha", "roman", or "Roman".


Starting number or value. Letters are supported if label style is "alph", "Alph", "alpha", or "Alpha" and Roman numerals are supported if label is "roman" or "Roman".


Suffix character to follow number labels. For example, if x = 1 and suffix = "." the returned label would be "1."


Base used in alphabetical number labels. Highest letter to use for alphabetical numbers. Single digit letters (A to Z) or numbers 1 to 26 are supported. For example, if base is 3, alphabetical labels for numbers higher than 3 have the prior value prefixed so 3 would be "C" and 4 would be "AA". Defaults to 26 which converts 27 to "AA", 53 to "BA", etc.


Column name to use for added column for number labels when x is a data.frame. Defaults to "num_label". If cols is length 2, the first item in the vector is assumed to be the column name from the data.frame to use as x and the second item is used as the column name for the added column with number labels.

pad, side

If pad is not NULL, pass pad and side to str_pad() added from the stringstatic::str_pad() package.


If TRUE, suppress warnings about creation of NA values through coercion of object types. Default to TRUE.


Default: parent.frame(). Passed to input checking functions to improve error message traceback.


  • If x is a vector, function returns numeric vector if labels is "arabic" or a character vector otherwise.

  • If x is a data.frame, as_numbered_labels() returns a modified data.frame with an added column with a name matching the second value of the cols parameter.