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Can be used to make multiple layers or multiple maps based on a grouping variable.


  mapping = NULL,
  groupname_col = "group",
  label_col = "name",
  geom = "sf",
  basemap = FALSE,
  palette = NULL,
  aesthetics = "fill",



Character string (e.g. url, file path, or name of data from package) for a spatial data or a sf, sfc, or bbox object with geometry overlapping the location. If data is NULL, all unnamed parameters are passed to sfext::read_sf_ext() with a bbox based on location. If data is not NULL and not a data.frame, url, file path, or bbox, conversion to a sf object will still always be attempted with sfext::as_sf().


Set of aesthetic mappings created by aes(). If specified and inherit.aes = TRUE (the default), it is combined with the default mapping at the top level of the plot. You must supply mapping if there is no plot mapping.


Group column name. Defaults to "group".


Column name or id for a column with the text or labels to pass to any text geom.


A character string indicating which ggplot2 geom to use, Default: 'sf'. Options include "sf" (ggplot2::geom_sf()), "icon" (layer_icon()), "markers" (layer_markers()), "sf_text" (ggplot2::geom_sf_text()), and "sf_label" (ggplot2::geom_sf_label()). See details for a full list.


Either a logical vector or ggplot object.

If logical and TRUE, add x to ggplot2::ggplot(). If FALSE, return x as is.

If a ggplot, add x to basemap object.

If a ggproto object (or list that contains a ggproto object), add x and basemap object to ggplot2::ggplot().


Name of palette as a string. Must be on the form packagename::palettename.


Aesthetic to map to groupname_col. Defaults to "fill"; also supports "color" or c("fill", "color").


Additional parameters passed to layer_location_data()


Scales are applied a palette and aesthetic are provided and basemap is set to TRUE.