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Set limits for a map to the bounding box of a feature using ggplot2::coord_sf(). Optionally, adjust the x size by applying a buffer and/or adjust the aspect ratio of the limiting bounding box to match a set aspect ratio.


  data = NULL,
  dist = getOption("maplayer.dist"),
  diag_ratio = getOption("maplayer.diag_ratio"),
  unit = getOption("maplayer.unit", default = "meter"),
  asp = getOption("maplayer.asp"),
  crs = getOption(""),
  nudge = getOption("maplayer.nudge"),
  color = "black",
  linewidth = 0.5,
  linetype = "solid",
  bgcolor = "white",
  expand = TRUE,
  hide_grid = TRUE,
  label_axes = "----",
  axis.title = NULL,
  axis.text = NULL,
  axis.ticks = NULL,
  axis.ticks.length = ggplot2::unit(x = 0, units = "mm"),
  axis.line = NULL,
  panel.grid = NULL,
  panel.grid.major = NULL,
  panel.grid.minor = NULL,
  panel.border = NULL,
  panel.background = NULL,
  plot.background = NULL,
  plot.margin = NULL,
  default_plot_margin = ggplot2::margin(1, 1, 1, 1),
  xlim = NULL,
  ylim = NULL,

  hide_grid = TRUE,
  grid = FALSE,
  panel.grid = NULL,
  panel.grid.major = NULL,
  panel.grid.minor = NULL

  label_axes = "----",
  axis.title = NULL,
  axis.text = NULL,
  axis.text.x = NULL,
  axis.text.y = NULL,
  axis.ticks = NULL,
  axis.ticks.length = ggplot2::unit(x = 0, units = "mm"),
  axis.line = NULL,

set_neatline(x = NULL, neatline = TRUE, data = NULL, crs = NULL, ...)



A sf, sfc, or bbox class object.


buffer distance in units. Optional.


ratio of diagonal distance of area's bounding box used as buffer distance. e.g. if the diagonal distance is 3000 meters and the "diag_ratio = 0.1" a 300 meter will be used. Ignored when dist is provided.


Units for buffer. Supported options include "meter", "foot", "kilometer", and "mile", "nautical mile" Common abbreviations (e.g. "km" instead of "kilometer") are also supported. Distance in units is converted to units matching GDAL units for x; defaults to "meter"


Aspect ratio of width to height as a numeric value (e.g. 0.33) or character (e.g. "1:3"). If numeric, get_asp() returns the same value without modification.


The coordinate reference system (CRS) into which all data should be projected before plotting. If not specified, will use the CRS defined in the first sf layer of the plot.


Passed as to parameter st_nudge() when not NULL. A numeric vector, a sf object, or any other object that can be converted to a simple feature collection with as_sfc()..


Color of panel border, Default: 'black'


Line width of panel border, Default: 0.5


Line type of panel border, Default: 'solid'


Fill color of panel background; defaults to "white". If "none", panel background is set to ggplot2::element_blank()


If TRUE, the default, adds a small expansion factor to the limits to ensure that data and axes don't overlap. If FALSE, limits are taken exactly from the data or xlim/ylim.


If TRUE, hide grid lines. Default: TRUE


A description of which axes to label passed to ggplot2::coord_sf(); defaults to '----' which hides all axes labels.

axis.title, axis.text, axis.ticks, axis.ticks.length, axis.line

Theme elements passed as is if label_axes is anything other than "----".

panel.grid, panel.grid.major, panel.grid.minor

Passed as is if hide_grid is FALSE.

panel.border, panel.background, plot.background, plot.margin

panel.border is used as is if not NULL or ggplot2::element_blank() if it is NULL unless color is NA or "none". panel.background and plot.background are used as is or ggplot2::element_blank() if bg color is NA or "none". plot.margin is set to ggplot2::margin(1, 1, 1, 1) if NULL or ggplot2::margin(0, 0, 0, 0) if expand is FALSE.


Defaults to ggplot2::margin(1, 1, 1, 1). Ignored if expand = FALSE

xlim, ylim

Limits for the x and y axes. These limits are specified in the units of the default CRS. By default, this means projected coordinates (default_crs = NULL). How limit specifications translate into the exact region shown on the plot can be confusing when non-linear or rotated coordinate systems are used as the default crs. First, different methods can be preferable under different conditions. See parameter lims_method for details. Second, specifying limits along only one direction can affect the automatically generated limits along the other direction. Therefore, it is best to always specify limits for both x and y. Third, specifying limits via position scales or xlim()/ylim() is strongly discouraged, as it can result in data points being dropped from the plot even though they would be visible in the final plot region.


Additional parameters passed to ggplot2::coord_sf().


For set_neatline(), a ggplot class object, ggproto class object or list of ggproto objects to combine with neatline layer.


A logical object, CoordSf object, or a list containing a CoordSf object (typically from layer_neatline()) added to layer by set_neatline().

  • If logical and TRUE, add a neatline layer using data, crs and any additional parameters passed to ... If logical and FALSE, return x as is.

  • If object from layer_neatline(), add it as is.


List of ggplot2::coord_sf and ggplot2::theme calls.



nc <- sf::read_sf(system.file("shape/nc.shp", package = "sf"))

ggplot() +
  layer_location_data(data = nc) +
  layer_neatline(data = nc[1, ], asp = 1, color = "red", linewidth = 1, linetype = "dashed")

ggplot() +
  layer_location_data(data = nc) +
  layer_neatline(data = nc[1, ], dist = 20, unit = "mi", color = "none")