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Enrollment data from the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE). The original CSV data files downloaded from MSDE are available in the data-raw/extdata folder on the GitHub repo for the package. The number of enrolled students includes ungraded special education and pre-kindergarten students. Grades coded as "Prekindergarten Age 4" in the MSDE data have been re-coded as "Prekindergarten" to facilitate comparison across years. LEA Names coded as "Baltimore City - Edison" have been re-coded as "Baltimore City", "Seed School LEA" as "SEED", and "All Public Schools" as "State". Variable definitions are based on the definitions from the MSDE website. Last updated 2023-10-02.




A data frame with 237,924 rows and 10 variables:


School or academic year for enrollment count, e.g. 2019 data is from the start of the 2019-2020 school year.


School number as integer (0 indicates all schools)


School name


Number of students registered to attend the school at the start of the year in the grade or grade range as integer. Typically enrollment count is as of September 30.


Grades from Prekindergarden (PK) to Grade 12


all elementary school Grades, all middle school grades, all high school grades, or all grades (total enrollment). May also be used as a label for grade.


Race/ethnicity. Enrollment by race/ethnicity is only available across all grades for years since 2020. "All" is used for data prior to 2020.


Date record created.


Local school system (LSS) number as integer. NA is used in place of a LSS number for statewide data. Older LEA numbers are combined with LSS numbers in this dataset.


Local school system (LSS) names (typically same as county name). "State" is used in place of a LSS name for statewide data. Older LEA names are combined with LSS names in this dataset.