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The goal of officerExtras is to provide helper and convenience functions for the {officer} package.


You can install the development version of officerExtras like so:



The officerExtras package provides a variety of helper functions to simplify the process of working with officer. For example, a single read_officer() function works with docx, pptx, or xlsx files:


docx <- read_officer(filename = "example.docx", path = system.file("doc_examples", package = "officer"))

pptx <- read_officer(filename = "example.pptx", path = system.file("doc_examples", package = "officer"))

officer uses a print method to save rdocx, rpptx, or rxlsx objects back to files. officerExtras provides a write_officer() with that adds the option to pass a filename and path separately and pass document properties to officer::doc_properties().

  write_officer(docx, "write-example.docx", modified_by = "officerExtras", title = "Document Title set by doc_properties", subject = "Microsoft Word, R")

  example_docx <- read_officer("write-example.docx")

#>               tag                                value
#> 1           title Document Title set by doc_properties
#> 2         subject                    Microsoft Word, R
#> 3         creator                               author
#> 4        keywords                                     
#> 5     description                   these are comments
#> 6  lastModifiedBy                        officerExtras
#> 7        revision                                   12
#> 8         created                 2017-04-26T13:10:00Z
#> 9        modified                 2023-06-22T11:04:39Z
#> 10       category

The package also wraps useful functions from a few other packages. convert_docx() uses rmarkdown::pandoc_convert() to convert a rdocx object or a Word document to any other pandoc supported output format:

convert_docx(docx, to = "markdown")

There are a number of related projects for extending officer or working with OOXML in R and other languages.

Extending officer

  • gto: allow users to insert gt tables into officeverse.
  • onbrand: A R package to provide a systematic method to script support for different Word of PowerPoint templates.
  • officerWinTools: A R package to complement the officer package when using Microsoft Office in a Windows environment.

Working with Microsoft Office documents with R

  • docxtractr: Extract Tables from Microsoft Word Documents with R
  • stylex: A R package to help update docx style files.
  • deef: Data extractor scripts for electronic forms, compatible with Microsoft Word files.

Other tools for working with Microsoft Office documents

  • python-docx:Create and modify Word documents with Python
  • Docx-templates: Template-based docx report creation for both Node and the browser
  • docx: Easily generate and modify .docx files with JS/TS. Works for Node and on the Browser.
  • docxtemplater: Generate docx, pptx, and xlsx from templates (Word, Powerpoint and Excel documents), from Node.js, the Browser and the command line