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The goal of openxlsx2Extras is to extend the functionality of the {openxlsx2} R package.

This package is very early stages so expect things to change and break as I learn more about {openxlsx2} and figure out the appropriate design for this package.


You can install the development version of openxlsx2Extras like so:



As of December 2024, the main types of functions in openxlsx2Extras include:

For example, wb_save_ext() allows users to set a filename based on the workbook title:

wb <- wb_workbook(
  title = "Title used for output file"

wb <- wb$add_worksheet()

#> Title used for output file.xlsx

wb_new_workbook() supports creating multiple worksheets in a single function call (recycling additional arguments like tab_color to match the length of sheet_names):

  title = "Workbook created with wb_new_workbook",
  sheet_names = c("First sheet", "Second sheet"),
  tab_color = c(wb_color("orange"), wb_color("yellow"))
#> A Workbook object.
#> Worksheets:
#>  Sheets: First sheet, Second sheet 
#>  Write order: 1, 2

Packages extending openxlsx

Packages extending openxlsx2

Packages extending readxl

  • forgts luisDVA/forgts}: reads a spreadsheet and its formatting information to produce gt tables with the same cell and text formatting as the input file.

Packages for working with Microsoft Office files