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Save a plot or map then update the EXIF metadata for the title, author, and create data. ggsave_ext() also supports creating a file name based on a sentence case name with spaces (e.g. "Baltimore city map") and appending a label (e.g. "baltcity") as a prefix to the output file name.

map_ggsave_ext() can take a list of {ggplot2} plots (e.g. a list of plot generated by purrr::map()) and create multiple files using the same parameters or use the {gridExtras} package to create a single combined PDF file.


  plot = ggplot2::last_plot(),
  name = NULL,
  label = NULL,
  prefix = NULL,
  postfix = NULL,
  increment = NULL,
  filename = NULL,
  device = NULL,
  fileext = NULL,
  filetype = NULL,
  path = NULL,
  paper = NULL,
  orientation = NULL,
  width = NULL,
  height = NULL,
  asp = NULL,
  units = getOption("papersize.ggsave_units", "in"),
  scale = 1,
  dpi = 300,
  bgcolor = NULL,
  exif = FALSE,
  title = NULL,
  author = NULL,
  keywords = NULL,
  args = NULL,
  overwrite = TRUE,
  ask = FALSE,
  preview = FALSE,
  limitsize = TRUE,
  quiet = FALSE,

  plot = ggplot2::last_plot(),
  image = "Instagram post",
  platform = NULL,
  format = NULL,
  orientation = NULL,
  name = NULL,
  filename = NULL,
  fileext = "jpeg",
  filetype = NULL,
  dpi = 72,
  width = 1080,
  height = 1080,
  units = "px",

  name = NULL,
  label = NULL,
  prefix = NULL,
  postfix = "pg_",
  filename = NULL,
  device = NULL,
  fileext = NULL,
  filetype = NULL,
  path = NULL,
  overwrite = TRUE,
  single_file = TRUE,
  onefile = TRUE



Plot to save, defaults to last plot displayed. If plot is an "magick-image" class object, it is converted to a plot using magick::image_ggplot()


Plot name, used to create filename (if filename is NULL) using filenamr::make_filename()


Label to combine with name converted to snake case with janitor::make_clean_names(). The label is designed to identify the area or other shared characteristics across multiple data files, maps, or plots. label is ignored if name is NULL or if name includes a file extension.


File name prefix. "date" adds a date prefix, "time" adds a date/time prefix; defaults to NULL.


File name postfix; defaults to NULL.


If TRUE, increment digits in string by 1. If numeric, increment digits in string by value. If NULL, 0, or if no digits are present in string, return string as is.


File name to create on disk.


Device to use. Can either be a device function (e.g. png), or one of "eps", "ps", "tex" (pictex), "pdf", "jpeg", "tiff", "png", "bmp", "svg" or "wmf" (windows only). If NULL (default), the device is guessed based on the filename extension.


File type or extension. Optional if filename or path include a file extension.


File type (used if fileext is NULL).


Path of the directory to save plot to: path and filename are combined to create the fully qualified file name. Defaults to the working directory.


Paper matching name from paper_sizes (e.g. "letter"). Not case sensitive.


Page orientation ("portrait", "landscape", or "square").

width, height

Plot size in units expressed by the units argument. If not supplied, uses the size of the current graphics device.


Numeric aspect ratio used to determine width or height if only one of the two arguments is provided; defaults to NULL.


One of the following units in which the width and height arguments are expressed: "in", "cm", "mm" or "px".


Multiplicative scaling factor.


Plot resolution. Also accepts a string input: "retina" (320), "print" (300), or "screen" (72). Applies only to raster output types.


Background color to optionally override plot.background theme element.


If TRUE, the EXIF metadata for the exported file is updated with the exifr package; defaults to FALSE.


Title to add to file metadata with exiftoolr, Default: NULL.


Author to add to file metadata to the "Author" and "XMP-dc:creator" tags. Default: NULL.


Keyword(s) added to file metadata to "IPTC:Keywords" and "XMP-dc:Subject" tags. Defaults to NULL.


Alternate arguments passed to exiftoolr::exif_call(). Other tag parameters are appended to args if they are not NULL.


If TRUE (default), overwrite any existing file with the same name or ask to overwrite if ask = TRUE. Passed to filenamr::check_file_overwrite().


If TRUE, ask before overwriting file with the same name. Defaults to FALSE. Passed to filenamr::check_file_overwrite().


If TRUE, open saved file in default system application. Based on ggpreview from tjmisc package.


When TRUE (the default), ggsave() will not save images larger than 50x50 inches, to prevent the common error of specifying dimensions in pixels.


If TRUE (default), suppress function messages.


Arguments passed on to ggplot2::ggsave


Whether to create new directories if a non-existing directory is specified in the filename or path (TRUE) or return an error (FALSE, default). If FALSE and run in an interactive session, a prompt will appear asking to create a new directory when necessary.


Image name passed to name parameter of get_social_size().


Social media platform, "Instagram", "Facebook", or "Twitter", Default: NULL


Image format, "post", "story", or "cover", Default: NULL

single_file, onefile

If TRUE, use gridExtra::arrangeGrob() to create an arrangelist class object that ggplot2::ggsave() can save as a single multi-page file. Note: this does not work with plots modified with patchwork including inset maps created with the maplayer::layer_inset() function.