Read data and make a map with QGIS

Learn how to…

  • Open and save project files

  • Read vector data files (e.g. shapefile or GeoJSON) using the QGIS Data Source Manager

  • Explore the attributes of data using the QGIS Attribute Table

  • Customize the color, fill, or symbols of a layer based on an attribute using the QGIS Style Manager

  • Compose, customize, and export a map using the QGIS Print Layout feature

For this assignment, you are encouraged to use the Natural Earth Quickstart Kit (a small sample of Natural Earth themes styled in in a QGIS document) as a data source or basemap:

Step-by-step instructions

Complete all of the following steps using the linked documentation for reference:

  1. Open the project file Natural_Earth_quick_start_for_QGIS.qgs.

  2. Load one or more additional data identified in the Finding data assignment using the Data Source Manager (see Opening Data)

  3. Filter data from the Natural Earth data or the additional data by attributes using the Attribute Table (see Working with the Attribute Table)

  4. Visualize a select attribute with a color ramp using the Style Manager (see Style Manager)

  5. Create a map using the Print Layout option (see Overview of the Print Layout)

  6. Customize the map title, caption, and legend of the Print Layout (see Legend Item)

  7. Export the map to PDF (see Creating an Output) with the file name 03_map-qgis_layout.pdf.

  8. Save an renamed project file with the file name 03_map-qgis_project-file.qgs.

  9. Write a brief description of your process for filtering and visualizing the data as well as composing the map and save the description as a Markdown file with the filename

Optional bonus activities

Create one or more additional maps using any of the following approaches for an extra bonus points:

  • Join a new data set without spatial data to a mapped data set using attribute data (see Performing Table Joins (QGIS3) from QGIS Tutorials and Tips for a walk through on using the “Join attributes by field value” feature in the Processing Toolbox). For example, if you have a table or CSV file with county-level data, your could use the county name or FIPS number to join the data to the “Admin 2 – Counties” data from Natural Earth (included in the Quick Start data).

  • Draw a new feature and add it to your map. The new feature could be a region based on the boundaries of the existing features on the map (see Lesson 13 from the QGIS Uncovered video series for an example).

Submitting the completed assignment

Add the PDF map, QGS project file, and the Markdown file with your description to the assignment folder in your course GitHub repository. If your maps uses data that is not included in the Natural Earth Quick Start project, you must include links to sources in the Markdown file where the data can be downloaded to allow the project file to be opened for review and feedback. If data files are less than 50 MB, please add the files to the GitHub repository in the same folder as the project file.