Schedule (Refined)

This schedule was updated on October 3, 2022.

How is this schedule organized

Each session includes information on:

  • Assignments due: Assignments are due by 11:59 PM on the day they’re listed unless otherwise noted.

  • Topics: A listing of the topics, questions, or skills that we expect to focus on during each course session.

  • Readings: Readings for this class include both material on how to work with spatial data in R and QGIS and material on broader considerations around working with data and how spatial data is collected, organized, and shared. Most readings are free and online but a few may require you to use the UMBC Library Books and Media Search or AOK Article Search to locate.

  • Additional references: Optional material (including readings and videos) that you are encouraged to use as a reference but you are not required to review before class.


To participate in this class, you need to have access to a laptop with a few applications installed: R, RStudio, and QGIS. You also need to set up a GitHub account. I’ve gathered a few resources with step-by-step instructions on how to install these applications along with some introductory material for any students who has no or limited prior experience with a desktop GIS or a programming language like R.

To install QGIS and get an introduction to the interface (if you do not have prior experience with a desktop GIS application), please review:

To install R and RStudio and get an introduction to how R works, please review:

To set up GitHub account and learn how to connect your account to RStudio, please review:

Part 1. Getting started with spatial data

1. Taking care with data – Aug. 31


  • Course overview
  • How is spatial data structured
  • How can we take a critical approach to working with data
  • Demonstration on using GitHub to submit weekly log


Additional references

2. Getting started using spatial data with R – Sept. 7


  • Using best practices for file naming and organization
  • Using RStudio to support project management
  • Reading and writing common spatial data file formats in R
  • Converting tabular data into spatial data


Additional references

3. Exploring and visualizing attribute data with R – Sept. 14

Assignments due


  • Subsetting or filtering based on attributes
  • Creating new attributes based on existing attributes
  • Joining tables by attributes with {dplyr}
  • Basics of visualizing attribute data with {ggplot2}


Additional references

4. Exploring and visualizing attribute data with QGIS – Sept. 21


  • Using QGIS to support project management
  • Reading and writing common spatial data file formats with QGIS
  • Using the Style Manager and Print Layout features in QGIS

Additional references

5. Documenting spatial data – Sept. 28

This session features a guest speaker, Reina Chano Murray, Geospatial Data Curator and Applications Administrator, Johns Hopkins Sheridan Libraries, sharing her perspective on documentation and archiving spatial data.

Thanks to Reina for sharing her slides and related resources in a GitHub repository for this session.

Assignments due

  • Read spatial data and make a map with QGIS
  • Read spatial data and make a map with R and ggplot2


  • Introduction to metadata and spatial metadata
  • Writing metadata, READMEs, and other documentation
  • Documentation for data and data analysis workflows
  • Planning for reproducible spatial data analysis


Additional references

6. Geometric and spatial data operations with R – Oct. 5

This session is the same day as the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur. Class will take place remotely on October 2. A full recording for this session will be made available to students who are unable to attend the remote session.


  • Using geometry operations for buffering or simplifying features
  • Using geometric operations like union, intersection, and difference
  • Using related functions including spatial joins and filters
  • Using spatial and geometric operations in exploratory data analysis


7. Tidying data in R – Oct. 12


  • Using {stringr} functions to tidy messy address data
  • Recoding categorical attribute data with {forcats}
  • Converting between wide and long data formats with dplyr::pivot_longer() and dplyr::pivot_wider()
  • Working with date-time attributes using {lubridate}


Additional references

8. Summarizing and analyzing data with R – Oct. 19



Additional references

  • Roger Beecham “Exploratory Data Analysis: Using Colour and Layout for Comparison,” August 11, 2022,
  • Ch. 11 Scripts, algorithms and functions in Lovelace, Nowosad, and Muenchow Geocomputation with R.
  • Roger Beecham and Robin Lovelace “A Framework for Inserting Visually Supported Inferences into Geographical Analysis Workflow: Application to Road Safety Research,” Geographical Analysis n/a, no. n/a (n.d.), doi:10.1111/gean.12338.

Part 2. Creating and sharing spatial data

9. Editing and creating spatial data with web-based tools, spreadsheets, QGIS, or R – Oct. 26


  • Creating and editing point features using CSV or Google Sheets
  • Creating and editing features using or other web-based tools
  • Creating and editing features using the {mapedit} package in R
  • Creating and editing vector data in QGIS

Additional references

10. Getting data from public web services – Nov. 2


  • Downloading data from ArcGIS Feature Services with {esri2sf} (I recommend installing my fork)
  • Downloading data from Socrata open data portals with {RSocrata}
  • Working with data dictionaries and the {labelled} package
  • Interpreting administrative data and other public sources


11. Working on collaborative data projects – Nov. 9

This session features a guest speaker, Elliott Plack, Technical Project Manager, Whitney Bailey Cox & Magnani, LLC, sharing an introduction to OpenStreetMap, his experience as an OSM admin, and perspective on spatial data as a member of the Maryland Council on Open Data.


  • Emily Talen “Bottom-up GIS,” Journal of the American Planning Association 66, no. 3 (2000): 279, doi:10.1080/01944360008976107.
  • C. E. Dunn “Participatory GIS - a People’s GIS?” Progress in Human Geography 31 (January 1, 2007): 616–637.
  • Rob Kitchin and Tracey P. Lauriault “Small Data in the Era of Big Data,” GeoJournal 80, no. 4 (2015): 463–475, doi:10.1007/s10708-014-9601-7.
  • Elliot Bentley “The Web as Medium for Data Visualization,” in The Data Journalism Handbook: Towards A Critical Data Practice, ed. Liliana Bounegru and Jonathan Gray, 2nd ed. (Amsterdam University Press, 2021), 138–142, doi:10.2307/j.ctv1qr6smr_ch26.

Assignments due

  • Final project proposal

12. Contributing to OpenStreetMap – Nov. 16

This session (tentatively) features a workshop on editing OpenStreetMap led by Elliott Plack and a short exercise on accessing OSM data with R using the {osmdata} package.


  • Geoff Boeing “The Right Tools for the Job: The Case for Spatial Science Tool-Building,” Transactions in GIS 24, no. 5 (October 2020): 1299–1314, doi:10.1111/tgis.12678.
  • Peter Mooney and Marco Minghini “A Review of OpenStreetMap Data,” in Mapping and the Citizen Sensor, ed. Peter Mooney et al. (Ubiquity Press, 2017), 37–60,

13. Project work session – Nov. 23 (scheduled Nov. 21)

This session is the day before the Thanksgiving holiday and may conflict with travel for class participants. Instead of a session at the scheduled time, I plan to host a remote session at a different date and time (to be determined). This session will focus on sharing updates and support for the final project. The session will not be recorded but notes will be shared with any students who are unable to participate.

14. Special topics in spatial data – Nov. 30

There are a wide range of special topics that we could cover in this course but we don’t have time to cover them all. This session is a place-holder to dig deeper into a special topic based on the interests of students in the course. Possible topics could include working with spatial network data using sfnetworks, working with time series data using the QGIS temporal controller feature, visualizing elevation data using the rayshader package, or something else.

15. Final project review – Dec. 7

This session will be dedicated to students sharing individual and collaborative work completed for the final project. Additional details on the final project will be shared with students prior to the end of the first section of the course in early October.

Assignments due

  • Final project presentation

  • Final project materials (due Dec. 16)