Using R and sf for spatial data


This resource provides a reference on using R for spatial data. Read the resource guide on using R and RStudio for more general information.

About R and spatial data 📋

About sf package 🌐

from sf website

  • interfaces to GEOS for geometrical operations on projected coordinates, and to s2geometry for geometrical operations on ellipsoidal coordinates

  • interfaces to GDAL, supporting all driver options, Date and POSIXct and list-columns

  • interfaces to PRØJ for coordinate reference system conversion and transformation

  • uses well-known-binary serialisations written in C++/Rcpp for fast I/O with GDAL and GEOS

  • reads from and writes to spatial databases such as PostGIS using DBI

  • is extended by lwgeom for selected liblwgeom/PostGIS functions

  • is extended by stars for raster data, and raster or vector data cubes (spatial time series)

Introductory resources 🐣

Getting help 🆘

R packages for spatial data 📦