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Use lubridate::as_date() to convert an object to a length 2 list with a minimum and maximum date. By default the dates in the list will be named named "start" and "end". date_range_query() is a variation that returns a query string that can be passed to the "where" parameter of get_esri_data(). between_date_range() works the same way identical but uses the BETWEEN DATE syntax. check_date_range() validates whether a date or date range falls within supplied limits.


  x = NULL,
  year = NULL,
  days = 90,
  start_date = NULL,
  end_date = NULL,
  limits = NULL,
  nm = c("start", "end"),
  call = caller_env()

date_range_query(x = NULL, .col = "date", ..., nm = c("start", "end"))

between_date_range(x = NULL, .col = "date", ..., nm = c("start", "end"))

  x = NULL,
  limits = NULL,
  nm = c("start", "end"),
  call = caller_env()



Date range as character vector in format of c("<start date>", "<end date>"). If length 1 and days is not NULL, return a range based on c(date_range, date_range + lubridate::days(days)). as_date_range() also allows a Date class object or a list of Date class objects. For all other functions, x can also be a named list of Date objects with names matching nm.


If date_range is NULL and year is provided, date range is set to c("<year>-01-01", "<year>-12-31"). year is ignored if date_range is provided.


Default range duration in days to use if date_range is length 1.


Arguments passed on to lubridate::as_date

start_date, end_date

Start and end date used if year and date_range are both NULL.


Optional range of allowed dates. If dates supplied to as_date_range() falls outside limits range, abort function.


Names to use for returned date range list. Defaults to c("start", "end").


The execution environment of a currently running function, e.g. caller_env(). The function will be mentioned in error messages as the source of the error. See the call argument of abort() for more information.


Name of date column to use for query. Defaults to "date".


A length 2 list with min and max Date values.


as_date_range("2022-01-01", days = 10)
#> $start
#> [1] "2022-01-01"
#> $end
#> [1] "2022-01-11"

as_date_range(c("2022-01-01", "2022-01-31"))
#> $start
#> [1] "2022-01-01"
#> $end
#> [1] "2022-01-31"

as_date_range(year = 2022)
#> $start
#> [1] "2022-01-01"
#> $end
#> [1] "2022-12-31"

date_range_query(c("2022-01-01", "2022-01-31"))
#> (date >= '2022-01-01') AND (date <= '2022-01-31')

# check_date_range("2022-09-01", limits = c("2022-07-01", "2022-09-30"))