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Access spatial data based on location

Get location of a specified type based on name, id, or location
get_location_data() map_location_data()
Get data for a location

Download data from online sources

get_airtable_data() get_airtable_metadata()
Get data from an Airtable base and optionally convert to a sf object
get_esri_data() get_esri_layers() get_esri_metadata()
Use esri2sf to get data from an ArcGIS FeatureServer or MapServer for a location
Use FlickrAPI to get geotagged photos for a location
Use googlesheets4 to get a data frame or simple feature data from a Google Sheet
get_open_data() get_socrata_data() get_socrata_metadata() list_socrata_data()
Get data from an open data portal (Socrata) for a location
get_osm_data() get_osm_id() get_osm_boundaries()
Use osmdata to get Open Street Map data for a location
Common OpenStreetMap tags
OpenStreetMap building tags
Use tigris to get state-level data from the U.S. Census Bureau
Get Wikipedia articles for a location
get_static_mapbox() get_osm_static_mapbox() get_location_static_mapbox() get_static_bingmap()
Use mapboxapi or bingmapr to get a static map image

Additional data formatting utilities and reference data

bind_block_col() bind_address_col() bind_location_text_col()
Format data frames and simple features with address data
format_data() rename_with_xwalk() label_with_xwalk() make_variable_dictionary() fix_epoch_date()
Format data frames and simple features using common approaches
format_sf_data() erase_data()
Format simple feature data
replace_with_xwalk() replace_street_suffixes() replace_street_dir_prefixes()
Replace values in a character vector or data frame with a crosswalk
Street directional prefixes
Street suffix abbreviations
Trim and squish across any character columns
Make a crosswalk list for use with label_with_xwalk() or rename_with_xwalk()

Additional data access utilities

as_date_range() date_range_query() between_date_range() check_date_range()
Use lubridate to convert an object to a date range
set_access_token() get_access_token()
Set or get an access token or API key to/from environment variables.
Set getdata or other package-specific options

Additional utilities for locations

Make a list of data and corresponding locations
Make a grid over the bounding box of a location
Cache location data with sf::write_sf() or readr::write_rds()