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Returns data for a selected location or a list of locations (for map_location_data()). If data is a character string, the parameter is passed to sfext::read_sf_url(), sfext::read_sf_path(), or sfext::read_sf_pkg(). This function uses sfext::st_filter_ext() to filter, crop, or trim data to the provided location. location can also be an an address.


  location = NULL,
  dist = getOption("getdata.dist"),
  diag_ratio = getOption("getdata.diag_ratio"),
  unit = getOption("getdata.unit", default = "meter"),
  asp = getOption("getdata.asp"),
  data = NULL,
  pkg = getOption("getdata.package"),
  package = getOption("getdata.package"),
  fileext = getOption("getdata.fileext", default = "gpkg"),
  filetype = getOption("getdata.filetype", default = "gpkg"),
  fn = NULL,
  crop = TRUE,
  trim = FALSE,
  from_crs = getOption("getdata.from_crs"),
  crs = getOption("", 3857),
  class = "sf",
  label = NULL,
  index = NULL,
  col = NULL,
  var_names = NULL,
  clean_names = FALSE,
  range = NULL,
  .name_repair = "check_unique",
  call = caller_env()

  location = NULL,
  dist = NULL,
  diag_ratio = NULL,
  unit = NULL,
  asp = NULL,
  data = NULL,
  package = NULL,
  fileext = "gpkg",
  filetype = "gpkg",
  fn = NULL,
  crop = TRUE,
  trim = FALSE,
  from_crs = NULL,
  crs = NULL,
  class = "list",
  label = NULL,
  load = FALSE,
  index = NULL,
  range = NULL,



sf object. If multiple areas are provided, they are unioned into a single sf object using sf::st_union()


buffer distance in units. Optional.


ratio of diagonal distance of area's bounding box used as buffer distance. e.g. if the diagonal distance is 3000 meters and the "diag_ratio = 0.1" a 300 meter will be used. Ignored when dist is provided.


Units for buffer. Supported options include "meter", "foot", "kilometer", and "mile", "nautical mile" Common abbreviations (e.g. "km" instead of "kilometer") are also supported. Distance in units is converted to units matching GDAL units for x; defaults to "meter"


Aspect ratio of width to height as a numeric value (e.g. 0.33) or character (e.g. "1:3"). If numeric, get_asp() returns the same value without modification.


Character string (e.g. url, file path, or name of data from package) for a spatial data or a sf, sfc, or bbox object with geometry overlapping the location. If data is NULL, all unnamed parameters are passed to sfext::read_sf_ext() with a bbox based on location. If data is not NULL and not a data.frame, url, file path, or bbox, conversion to a sf object will still always be attempted with sfext::as_sf().

pkg, package

Name of the package to search for data.

fileext, filetype

File extension or type to use if passing parameters to sfext::read_sf_download() or sfext::read_sf_pkg() (required for extdata and cached data).


Function to apply to data after filtering by location but before returning from function.


If TRUE, x is cropped to y using sf::st_crop().


If TRUE, x is trimmed to y with st_trim().


Coordinate reference system used to match the location CRS to the source data.


Coordinate reference system to return.


Class of object to return.


label is optionally used by map_location_data() to name the data objects in the list returned by the function.


A list of possible location, data, and (optionally) package values. List must be named and include a value named package and package must be NULL, to set package based on index. If list is not NULL and location and/or data as character or numeric values, the location and data are assumed to be index values for the index list. The index parameter supports nested lists created by make_location_data_list() (using only the default key names of "location" and "data"). This feature has not be fully tested and may result in errors or unexpected results.


For as_sf_list, the name of the column used to group data if x is a sf object or used to group and nest data before passing to x.


A named list following the format, list("New var name" = old_var_name), or a two column data frame with the first column being the new variable names and the second column being the old variable names; defaults to NULL.


If TRUE, clean names provided to nm or created based on value of col using janitor::clean_names. If FALSE, use names as provided.


For lonlat_to_sfc(), an object that is coercible to a bbox object or a length 4 vector with names xmin, xmax, ymin, and ymax. If a coordinate pair falls outside the latitude/longitude range defined by the vector but inside the range if reversed, the coordinates are assumed to be in lat/lon order and are switched to lon/lat order before being converted to a point. Defaults to c("xmin" = -180, "ymin" = -50, "xmax" = 180, "ymax" = 60). Note that this default setting will reverse valid coordinates north of Anchorage, Alaska or south of New Zealand.


One of "unique", "universal", or "check_unique". See vctrs::vec_as_names() for the meaning of these options.


Additional parameters passed to sfext::read_sf_path(), sfext::read_sf_url(), sfext::read_sf_pkg(), sfext::as_sf() (with bbox), or sfext::read_sf_ext() (with no other parameters).


The execution environment of a currently running function, e.g. caller_env(). The function will be mentioned in error messages as the source of the error. See the call argument of abort() for more information.


If TRUE and class is "list", load data to local environment; defaults FALSE.


This function previously supported county geoid, state name, abbreviation, or geoid as a location. Currently, recommend using get_tigris_data() and passing a sf object to location.

Working with sf lists for data and locations:

map_location_data() makes it easier to work with sf lists. It supports data as a character vector, data as an sf list when location is a single object, location as a character vector or sf list (including lists of bbox or sfc objects), or when both data and location are lists (such as a list created by make_location_data_list()).