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If location is a single feature sf object, the original columns of the object are included in the output grid. If location has mutiple features, the values of name_col are combined with sfext::st_union_ext and other columns are dropped. The input sf object should not have columns named id, rows, or cols.


make_location_grid(location, name_col = "name", unit = NULL, ...)



A sf, sfc, or bbox object passed to sfext::st_make_grid_ext


Column name to collapse into new name_col value, Default: 'name'


Units for buffer. Supported options include "meter", "foot", "kilometer", and "mile", "nautical mile" Common abbreviations (e.g. "km" instead of "kilometer") are also supported. Distance in units is converted to units matching GDAL units for x; defaults to "meter"


Arguments passed on to sfext::st_make_grid_ext


A sf, sfc, or bbox object, Default: NULL. Required.


Coordinate reference system of bounding box to return; defaults to NULL which maintains the crs of the input object.


Used to set n if either are not NULL; defaults to NULL. row and id are added as columns to the grid if they are provided.


If n is NULL and square is TRUE, the grid is set automatically to be 10 cells wide, Default: NULL


Distance in units between each column cell; gutter effectively serves as a margin as the negative buffer is applied to all cells (including those at the edges of the grid).


If TRUE, reverse standard order of cell id numbering; defaults FALSE


numeric of length 1 or 2 with target cellsize: for square or rectangular cells the width and height, for hexagonal cells the distance between opposite edges (edge length is cellsize/sqrt(3)). A length units object can be passed, or an area unit object with area size of the square or hexagonal cell.


"polygons", "corners", "centers"; set to centers automatically if style is "circle", "circle_offset" but a buffer is applied to return circular polygons.


Style of cell to return with options including "rect", "square", "hex", "flat_top_hex", "circle", "circle_offset"


A name to use for the cell id column. Defaults to "id".


If TRUE (or if trim is TRUE) filter grid geometry by x using st_filter_ext


If TRUE, x is trimmed to y with st_trim().