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A set of functions to convert between CSV and XLSX formats using flexible input and output options.


csv_to_wb(file, new_file = NULL, .f = utils::read.csv, ...)

csv_to_xlsx(file, new_file = NULL, .f = utils::read.csv, ...)

  new_file = NULL,
  sheet = 1,
  .f = utils::write.csv,
  ext = "csv",



Path or paths to input files. For csv_to_wb(), users can pass multiple CSV files when creating a workbook or xlsx file. If these inputs are named, the names are used as worksheet names.


Path to output file. Optional. If new_file is not supplied and file is a string, new_file is set to use the same path with a new file extension or (if file is not a string) new_file is set to a temporary file.


Function used to read or write the csv file. Defaults to utils::read.csv for csv_to_wb() and csv_to_xlsx() and utils::write.csv for xlsx_to_csv(). Other functions are allowed but must use the input or output file name as the second argument.


Additional arguments passed to .f


A sheet in the workbook specified by file (either an index or a sheet name). Defaults to 1.


File extension for output file. Defaults to "csv".


These functions allow seamless conversion between CSV and XLSX formats:

  • csv_to_wb: Reads one or more CSV files and writes them to a workbook object.

  • csv_to_xlsx: Converts one or more CSV files to a XLSX file.

  • xlsx_to_csv: Converts an XLSX file to a CSV file.


Jordan Mark Barbone

Jan Marvin Garbuszus

Eli Pousson


# Create example CSV file
csv <- tempfile(fileext = ".csv")
utils::write.csv(x = mtcars, file = csv)

# Convert CSV to Workbook
wb <- csv_to_wb(csv = csv)
#> Error in csv_to_wb(csv = csv): argument "file" is missing, with no default

# Convert CSV to XLSX
xlsx <- openxlsx2::temp_xlsx()
csv_to_xlsx(csv = csv, xlsx = xlsx)
#> Error in csv_to_xlsx(csv = csv, xlsx = xlsx): argument "file" is missing, with no default

# Convert XLSX back to CSV
xlsx_to_csv(x = xlsx, csv = csv)
#> Error in utils::write.table(openxlsx2::wb_to_df(file = file, sheet = sheet),     set_new_file(file, new_file, ext = ext), x = ..1, csv = ..2,     col.names = NA, sep = ",", dec = ".", qmethod = "double"): unused argument (csv = ..2)