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Coerce a data frame or list of data frames to a workbook
csv_to_wb() csv_to_xlsx() xlsx_to_csv()
Convert CSV to XLSX files or XLSX to CSV
Format logical vector columns to use replacement values
fmt_marquee_txt() experimental
Use marquee::marquee_parse() to format Markdown text
Prepare data for adding to a workbook
read_xlsx_ext() experimental
Create a data frame from a Workbook (with extra features)
set_excel_fmt_class() experimental
Prepare a data frame with Excel style class values for formatting by openxlsx2
Format a logical vector to specified values
wb_add_data_ext() experimental
Add data using openxlsx2::wb_add_data() with extra features
wb_add_marquee_text() experimental
Add Markdown formatted text to a Workbook
Create a new workbook and add named work sheets
wb_save_ext() experimental
Save a workboook object to file while filling file name from assigned workbook title
Set workbook properties
Use dplyr::group_split to split a workbook into a list of workbooks
Convert a workbook to a list of data frames
write_xlsx_ext() experimental
Write data to an xlsx file with additional features