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AzureR_config_ls() uses rappdirs::user_config_dir() and fs::dir_ls() to list files from the AzureR configuration directory. AzureR_config_delete() uses fs::file_delete() to remove the "graph_logins.json" configuration file if needed. Use this function with caution but it may be an option to address a "Unable to refresh token" error.


AzureR_config_ls(path = NULL, glob = "*.json")

AzureR_config_delete(path = NULL, filename = "graph_logins.json")



Path to configuration directory for AzureR package where the JSON file for graph_logins is stored. If NULL, path is set with rappdirs::user_config_dir("AzureR").


A wildcard aka globbing pattern (e.g. *.csv) passed on to grep() to filter paths.


Filename to delete from configuration directory. Defaults to "graph_logins.json". Set to NULL if path contains a file name.