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AzureR_config_ls() AzureR_config_delete()
List or delete files from the AzureR configuration directory
create_sp_list_items() update_sp_list_items() update_sp_list_item()
Create or update list items
Delete SharePoint items (files and directories)
download_sp_item() download_sp_file()
Download one or more items from SharePoint to a file or folder
Download a SharePoint List
get_sp_group() list_sp_group_members()
Get SharePoint group for a site or list group members
get_sp_item() get_sp_item_properties()
Get a SharePoint item or item properties
List drives for a SharePoint site
List versions for a SharePoint item
list_sp_pages() get_sp_page()
List SharePoint pages or get a single SharePoint page
Read a SharePoint item based on a file URL or file name and site details
Create SharePoint folders
sp_dir_info() sp_dir_ls()
List SharePoint files and folders
get_sp_drive() cache_sp_drive()
Get a SharePoint drive or set a default SharePoint drive
get_sp_list() list_sp_lists() get_sp_list_metadata() delete_sp_list()
Get a SharePoint list or a list of SharePoint lists
list_sp_list_items() get_sp_list_item()
Get, list, update, and delete SharePoint list items
get_sp_plan() list_sp_plans()
Get a SharePoint plan or list SharePoint plans
List SharePoint planner buckets
get_sp_site() cache_sp_site()
Get a SharePoint site or set a default SharePoint site
get_sp_task() list_sp_tasks()
Get a SharePoint task or list tasks from a planner
upload_sp_item() upload_sp_items()
Upload a file or folder to a SharePoint Drive
Write an object to file and upload file to SharePoint