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delete_sp_item() deletes items including files and directories using the delete method for . By default confirm = TRUE, which requires the user to respond to a prompt: "Do you really want to delete the drive item ...? (yes/No/cancel)" to continue.


  path = NULL,
  confirm = TRUE,
  by_item = FALSE,
  item_id = NULL,
  item_url = NULL,
  item = NULL,
  drive_name = NULL,
  drive_id = NULL,
  drive = NULL,
  site_url = NULL,
  call = caller_env()



A SharePoint file URL or the relative path to a file located in a SharePoint drive. If input is a relative path, the string should not include the drive name. If input is a shared file URL, the text "Shared " is removed from the start of the SharePoint drive name by default. If file is a document URL, the default_drive_name argument is used as the drive_name and the item_id is extracted from the URL.


If TRUE, confirm before deleting item. If TRUE and session is not interactive, the function will error.


For business OneDrive or SharePoint document libraries, you may need to set by_item = TRUE to delete the contents of a folder depending on the policies set up by your SharePoint administrator policies. Note, that this method can be slow for large folders.


Arguments passed on to get_sp_item


SharePoint drive name or ID.


If TRUE, return a data frame. If FALSE (default), return a ms_item or ms_item_properties object.


A SharePoint item ID passed to the itemid parameter of the get_item method for ms_drive objects.


A SharePoint item URL used to parse the item ID, drive name, and site URL.


A ms_drive_item class object. Optional if path or other parameters to get an SharePoint item are supplied.

drive_name, drive_id

SharePoint drive name or ID.


A ms_drive object. If drive is supplied, drive_name, site_url, and any additional parameters passed to ... are ignored.


A SharePoint site URL in the format "https://[tenant name][site name]". Any SharePoint item or document URL can also be parsed to build a site URL using the tenant and site name included in the URL.


The execution environment of a currently running function, e.g. caller_env(). The function will be mentioned in error messages as the source of the error. See the call argument of abort() for more information.


Trouble-shooting errors

If you get the error: "The resource you are attempting to access is locked", you or another user may have the file or a file within the directory open for editing. Close the file and try deleting the item again.

If you get the error: "Request was cancelled by event received. If attempting to delete a non-empty folder, it's possible that it's on hold." set by_item = TRUE and try again.