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download_sp_item() wraps the download method for SharePoint items making it easier to download items based on a shared file URL or document URL.


  path = NULL,
  new_path = "",
  item_id = NULL,
  item_url = NULL,
  item = NULL,
  drive_name = NULL,
  drive_id = NULL,
  drive = NULL,
  site_url = NULL,
  dest = NULL,
  overwrite = FALSE,
  recursive = FALSE,
  parallel = FALSE,
  call = caller_env()

download_sp_file(file, new_path = "", ..., call = caller_env())


path, file

Required. A SharePoint shared file URL, document URL, or, if item_id is supplied, a file name to use with path to set dest with location and filename for downloaded item.


Path to directory for downloaded item. Optional if dest is supplied. If path contains a file name, the item will be downloaded using that file name instead of the file name of the original item. If new_path refers to a nonexistent directory and the item is a file, the directory will be silently created using fs::dir_create().


Arguments passed on to get_sp_item


SharePoint drive name or ID.


If TRUE, use the get_item_properties method and return item properties instead of the item.


If TRUE, return a data frame. If FALSE (default), return a ms_item or ms_item_properties object.


A SharePoint item ID passed to the itemid parameter of the get_item method for ms_drive objects.


A SharePoint item URL used to parse the item ID, drive name, and site URL.


A ms_drive_item class object. Optional if path or other parameters to get an SharePoint item are supplied.

drive_name, drive_id

SharePoint drive name or ID.


A ms_drive object. If drive is supplied, drive_name, site_url, and any additional parameters passed to ... are ignored.


A SharePoint site URL in the format "https://[tenant name][site name]". Any SharePoint item or document URL can also be parsed to build a site URL using the tenant and site name included in the URL.

dest, overwrite, recursive, parallel

Parameters passed to download method for ms_drive_item object.


The execution environment of a currently running function, e.g. caller_env(). The function will be mentioned in error messages as the source of the error. See the call argument of abort() for more information.


Invisibly returns the input dest or the dest parsed from the input path or item properties.


The default value for path is "" so, by default, SharePoint items are downloaded to the current working directory. Set overwrite = TRUE to allow this function to overwrite an existing file. download_sp_file() is identical except for the name of the path parameter (which is file instead of path).

Note, if the selected item is a folder and recurse = TRUE, it may take some time to download the enclosed items and {Microsoft365R} does not provide a progress bar for that operation.

Batch downloads for SharePoint items

If provided with a vector of paths or a vector of item ID values, download_sp_item() can execute a batch download on a set of files or folders. Make sure to supply a vector to new_path or dest vector with the directory names or file names to use as a destination for the downloads. With either option, you must supply a drive, a drive_name and site, or a drive_url. You can also pass a bare list of items and the value for the dest can be inferred from the item properties.


# Download a single directory

sp_dir_url <- "<SharePoint directory url>"

new_path <- "local file path"

if (is_sp_url(sp_dir_url)) {
    new_path = new_path,
    recursive = TRUE

# Batch download multiple directories from a SharePoint Drive

sp_drive_url <- "<SharePoint Drive url>"

if (is_sp_url(sp_drive_url)) {
  drive <- get_sp_drive(drive_name = sp_drive_url)

  drive_dir_list <- sp_dir_info(
    drive = drive,
    recurse = TRUE,
    type = "dir"

    item_id = drive_dir_list$id,
    dest = drive_dir_list$name,
    recursive = TRUE,
    drive = drive