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get_sp_group() gets the group associated with an individual site using the get_group method. list_sp_group_members() lists members in the group. Note that, as of February 1, 2024, the returned member data frame when as_data_frame = TRUE contains a large number of list columns that could be coerced into character columns. This should be addressed in a later update.


  site_url = NULL,
  site_name = NULL,
  site_id = NULL,
  site = NULL,
  call = caller_env()

  site_url = NULL,
  site_name = NULL,
  site_id = NULL,
  as_data_frame = TRUE,
  call = caller_env()



A SharePoint site URL in the format "https://[tenant name][site name]". Any SharePoint item or document URL can also be parsed to build a site URL using the tenant and site name included in the URL.

site_name, site_id

Site name or ID of the SharePoint site as an alternative to the SharePoint site URL. Exactly one of site_url, site_name, and site_id must be supplied.


Additional parameters passed to get_sp_site() or Microsoft365R::get_sharepoint_site().


A ms_site object. If site is supplied, site_url, site_name, and site_id are ignored.


The execution environment of a currently running function, e.g. caller_env(). The function will be mentioned in error messages as the source of the error. See the call argument of abort() for more information.


If TRUE (default), converted list of members into a data frame with a list column named az_user that contains the member list and properties converted into columns.