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read_sharepoint() is designed to download a SharePoint item to a temporary folder and read the file based on the file extension. If a function is provided to .f, it is used to read the downloaded file. If not, class of the returned object depends on the file extension of the file parameter.

If the file has none of these file extensions, an attempt is made to read the file with readr::read_lines().


  .f = NULL,
  new_path = tempdir(),
  overwrite = TRUE,
  drive_name = NULL,
  drive_id = NULL,
  drive = NULL,
  site_url = NULL,
  site_name = NULL,
  site_id = NULL,
  site = NULL



Required. A SharePoint shared file URL, document URL, or, if item_id is supplied, a file name to use in combination with new_path to set dest with location and filename for downloaded item.


Additional parameters passed to one of the functions identified in the description or supplied to .f


Optional function to use to read file downloaded from SharePoint.


Path to directory for downloaded item. Optional if dest is supplied. If path contains a file name, the item will be downloaded using that file name instead of the file name of the original item. If new_path refers to a nonexistent directory and the item is a file, the directory will be silently created using fs::dir_create().


If TRUE, replace the existing cached object named by cache_file with the new object. If FALSE, error if a cached file with the same cache_file name already exists.

drive_name, drive_id

SharePoint drive name or ID.


A ms_drive object. If drive is supplied, drive_name, site_url, and any additional parameters passed to ... are ignored.


A SharePoint site URL in the format "https://[tenant name][site name]". Any SharePoint item or document URL can also be parsed to build a site URL using the tenant and site name included in the URL.

site_name, site_id

Site name or ID of the SharePoint site as an alternative to the SharePoint site URL. Exactly one of site_url, site_name, and site_id must be supplied.


A ms_site object. If site is supplied, site_url, site_name, and site_id are ignored.