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sp_dir_create() is a wrapper for the create_folder method that handles character vectors. If drive_name is a folder URL and relative is TRUE, the values for path are appended to the file path parsed from the url.


  drive_name = NULL,
  drive_id = NULL,
  drive = NULL,
  relative = FALSE,
  call = caller_env()



A character vector of one or more paths.


Arguments passed on to get_sp_drive


A SharePoint Drive URL to parse for a Drive name and other information. If drive_name is a URL, it is used as drive_url.


Drive name string used only if input is a document URL and drive name is not part of the URL. Defaults to getOption("sharepointr.default_drive_name", "Documents")


If TRUE, cache drive to a file using cache_sp_drive().


If TRUE, get a new drive even if the existing drive is cached as a local option. If FALSE, use the cached ms_drive object if it exists.


File name for cached drive if cache = TRUE. Defaults to a option set with sharepointr.cache_file_drive (which defaults to "sp_drive.rds").


A SharePoint site URL in the format "https://[tenant name][site name]". Any SharePoint item or document URL can also be parsed to build a site URL using the tenant and site name included in the URL.


A ms_site object. If site is supplied, site_url, site_name, and site_id are ignored.


If TRUE, replace the existing cached object named by cache_file with the new object. If FALSE, error if a cached file with the same cache_file name already exists.

drive_name, drive_id

SharePoint Drive name or ID passed to get_drive method for SharePoint site object.


A ms_drive object. If drive is supplied, drive_name and drive_id are ignored.


If TRUE and drive_name is a folder URL, the values for path are appended to the file path parsed from the url. If relative is a character vector, it must be length 1 or the same length as path and appended to path as a vector of parent directories. The second option takes precedence over any file path parsed from the url.


The execution environment of a currently running function, e.g. caller_env(). The function will be mentioned in error messages as the source of the error. See the call argument of abort() for more information.


drive_url <- "<link to SharePoint drive>"

if (is_sp_url(drive_url)) {
    path = "parent_folder/subfolder",
    drive_name = drive_url

    path = c("subfolder1", "subfolder2", "subfolder3"),
    relative = "parent_folder",
    drive_name = drive_url

dir_url <- "<link to SharePoint directory>"

if (is_sp_url(dir_url)) {
    path = c("subfolder1", "subfolder2", "subfolder3"),
    drive_name = dir_url,
    relative = TRUE