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get_sp_list() is a wrapper for the get_list and list_items methods. This function is still under development and does not support the URL parsing used by get_sp_item(). list_sp_lists() returns all lists for a SharePoint site or drive as a list or data frame. Note, when using filter with get_sp_list(), names used in the expression must be prefixed with "fields/" to distinguish them from item metadata.


  list_name = NULL,
  list_id = NULL,
  site_url = NULL,
  site = NULL,
  drive_name = NULL,
  drive_id = NULL,
  drive = NULL,
  metadata = FALSE,
  as_data_frame = FALSE,
  call = caller_env()

  site_url = NULL,
  filter = NULL,
  n = Inf,
  site = NULL,
  drive_name = NULL,
  drive_id = NULL,
  drive = NULL,
  as_data_frame = TRUE,
  call = caller_env()

  list_name = NULL,
  list_id = NULL,
  sp_list = NULL,
  keep = c("all", "editable", "visible"),
  sync_fields = FALSE,
  site_url = NULL,
  site = NULL,
  drive_name = NULL,
  drive_id = NULL,
  drive = NULL,
  call = caller_env()

  list_name = NULL,
  list_id = NULL,
  sp_list = NULL,
  confirm = TRUE,
  site_url = NULL,
  site = NULL,
  drive_name = NULL,
  drive_id = NULL,
  drive = NULL,
  call = caller_env()


list_name, list_id

SharePoint List name or ID string.


Arguments passed on to get_sp_drive


A SharePoint Drive URL to parse for a Drive name and other information. If drive_name is a URL, it is used as drive_url.


Drive name string used only if input is a document URL and drive name is not part of the URL. Defaults to getOption("sharepointr.default_drive_name", "Documents")


If TRUE, cache drive to a file using cache_sp_drive().


If TRUE, get a new drive even if the existing drive is cached as a local option. If FALSE, use the cached ms_drive object if it exists.


File name for cached drive if cache = TRUE. Defaults to a option set with sharepointr.cache_file_drive (which defaults to "sp_drive.rds").


If TRUE, replace the existing cached object named by cache_file with the new object. If FALSE, error if a cached file with the same cache_file name already exists.


A SharePoint site URL in the format "https://[tenant name][site name]". Any SharePoint item or document URL can also be parsed to build a site URL using the tenant and site name included in the URL.


A ms_site object. If site is supplied, site_url, site_name, and site_id are ignored.

drive_name, drive_id

SharePoint Drive name or ID passed to get_drive method for SharePoint site object.


A ms_drive object. If drive is supplied, drive_name and drive_id are ignored.


If TRUE, get_sp_list() applies the get_column_info method to the returned SharePoint list and returns a data frame with column metadata for the list.


If TRUE, return a data frame with a "ms_list" column. get_sp_list() returns a 1 row data frame and list_sp_lists() returns a data frame with n rows or all lists available for the SharePoint site or drive. Defaults to FALSE. Ignored is metadata = TRUE as list metadata is always returned as a data frame.


The execution environment of a currently running function, e.g. caller_env(). The function will be mentioned in error messages as the source of the error. See the call argument of abort() for more information.


A string with an OData expression apply as a filter to the results. Learn more in the Microsoft Graph API documentation on using filter query parameters.


Maximum number of lists, plans, tasks, or other items to return. Defaults to NULL which sets n to Inf.


A ms_list object. If supplied, list_name, list_id, site_url, site, drive_name, drive_id, drive, and any additional parameters passed to ... are all ignored.


One of "all" (default), "editable", "visible" (not yet supported). Argument determines if the returned list metadata includes read only columns or hidden columns.


If TRUE, use the sync_fields method to sync the fields of the local ms_list object with the fields of the SharePoint List source before retrieving list metadata.


If TRUE, confirm deletion of list before proceeding.


A data frame as_data_frame = TRUE or a ms_list object (or list of ms_list objects) if FALSE.