Hello! My name is Eli Pousson. I am a planner and program coordinator with the Baltimore City Department of Planning, a former non-profit worker at Baltimore Heritage and the Neighborhood Design Center, a teacher for the University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC) GIS Certificate Program, and local historian in Baltimore, Maryland.
Since 2020, I’ve been an enthusiastic R package developer. I’ve created several R packages for mapping and analyzing data related to Baltimore City and Maryland:
I’ve also created (or made big contributions) to a few packages for working with spatial data or accessing useful APIs:
In 2020, I completed Master’s of Public Health degree at Johns Hopkins University as a Fellow with the Johns Hopkins University School of Public Health Bloomberg American Health Initiative. My work during the program included completed an analysis of 311 requests for basement sewage backups in Baltimore and advocacy for the creation of Baltimore’s Slow Streets program in early 2020.
Here are a few projects from my prior work at Baltimore Heritage: