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Get a static map image using the Mapbox Static Maps API using mapboxapi::static_mapbox or the Bing Maps Static Map API using bingmapr::get_map_image. An API key or access token is required for both services. Set the bingmap API token using bingmapr::bing_maps_api_key and the Mapbox token with mapboxapi::mb_access_token or use set_access_token with type = "BING_MAPS_API_KEY" or type = "MAPBOX_PUBLIC_TOKEN".


  dist = NULL,
  unit = "meter",
  style_url = "mapbox://styles/mapbox/light-v10",
  overlay_location = FALSE,
  overlay_sf = NULL,
  overlay_style = NULL,
  zoom = NULL,
  width = 600,
  height = 400,
  bearing = NULL,
  pitch = NULL,
  token = NULL,

  id = NULL,
  key = NULL,
  level = NULL,
  location = NULL,
  dist = NULL,
  unit = "meter",
  overlay_location = TRUE,
  style_url = "mapbox://styles/mapbox/light-v10",
  overlay_sf = NULL,
  overlay_style = NULL,
  zoom = NULL,
  width = 600,
  height = 400,
  bearing = NULL,
  pitch = NULL,
  token = NULL,

  dist = NULL,
  unit = "meter",
  name = NULL,
  name_col = "name",
  id = NULL,
  id_col = "id",
  location = NULL,
  index = NULL,
  union = FALSE,
  overlay_location = TRUE,
  style_url = "mapbox://styles/mapbox/light-v10",
  overlay_sf = NULL,
  overlay_style = NULL,
  zoom = NULL,
  width = 600,
  height = 400,
  bearing = NULL,
  pitch = NULL,
  token = NULL,

  location = NULL,
  dist = NULL,
  unit = "m",
  imagery = "BirdsEye",
  zoom = NULL,
  width = 600,
  height = 400,
  bearing = NULL,
  token = NULL,



An input location for which you would like to request tiles. Can be a length-4 vector representing a bounding box, or an sf object. If an input sf object is supplied, use the buffer_dist argument to control how much area you want to capture around the layer. While the input sf object can be in an arbitrary coordinate reference system, if a length-4 bounding box vector is supplied instead it must represent WGS84 longitude/latitude coordinates and be in the order c(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax).


Buffer distance passed to buffer_dist parameter of mapboxapi::static_mapbox() or to sfext::st_buffer_ext() for get_static_bingmap().


Unit of dist argument. Defaults to "meters".


Style URL; defaults to "mapbox://styles/mapbox/light-v10"


If TRUE, use the location (or OpenStreetMap feature) as the overlay_sf parameter. Default to FALSE. Ignored if overlay_sf is provided.


The overlay sf object (optional). The function will convert the sf object to GeoJSON then plot over the basemap style. Spatial data that are too large will trigger an error, and should be added to the style in Mapbox Studio instead.


A named list of vectors specifying how to style the sf overlay. Possible names are "stroke", "stroke-width" (or "stroke_width"), "stroke-opacity" (or "stroke_opacity"), "fill", and "fill-opacity" (or "fill_opacity"). The fill and stroke color values can be specified as six-digit hex codes or color names, and the opacity and width values should be supplied as floating-point numbers. If overlay_style is NULL, the style values can be pulled from columns with the same names in overlay_sf.


The map zoom. The map will infer this from the overlay unless longitude, latitude, and zoom are all specified.

width, height

Map width and height; defaults to 600 px width and 400 px height.

pitch, bearing

The map pitch and bearing; defaults to NULL. pitch can range from 0 to 60, and bearing from -360 to 360.


Optional token or API key. Recommend setting the Bing Maps API key using bingmapr::bing_maps_api_key() and the Mapbox access token with mapboxapi::mb_access_token().


Additional parameters passed to get_location_data() if type is character and index is NULL.


OpenStreetMap feature id with or without a type id prefix. If multiple id values are provided, they must use a single consistent value for geometry.


Feature key for overpass API query.


Numeric administrative level (admin_level) of boundary to return; defaults to NULL. If multiple levels are provided, the any admin levels between the min and max values of level is returned. See for more information. Only used for get_osm_boundaries().


For get_osm_static_mapbox(), type of feature with id; ("node", "way", or "relation"); for get_location_static_mapbox(), type of location (see get_location() for details.


Location name to return.


Column name in type with name values, Default: 'name' Required if name provided.


Column name in type with id values, Default: 'id'. Required if id is provided.


Optional list used to match type to data, Default: NULL


If TRUE, the location geometry is unioned with sf::st_union() and the names are combined into a single value. Default: FALSE.


String with imagery type, Default: 'BirdsEye' Supported values include:

  • Aerial: Aerial imagery.

  • AerialWithLabels: Aerial imagery with a road overlay.

  • AerialWithLabelsOnDemand: Aerial imagery with on-demand road overlay.

  • Streetside: Street-level imagery.

  • BirdsEye: Birds Eye (oblique-angle) imagery.

  • BirdsEyeWithLabels: Birds Eye (oblique-angle) imagery with a road overlay.

  • Road: Roads without additional imagery.

  • CanvasDark: A dark version of the road maps.

  • CanvasLight: A lighter version of the road maps which also has some of the details such as hill shading disabled.

  • CanvasGray: A grayscale version of the road maps


Variations on get_static_mapbox include

In those cases, the ... parameters are passed on the getdata functions rather than the static map function.

For get_static_bingmap(), parameter names are modified from bingmapr::get_map_image() for consistency, so the bearing parameter passed to orientation and token is passed to key.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
    id = "way/49664223",
    dist = 0.5,
    unit = "mi",
    overlay_style = list(
      stroke = "darkgreen",
      fill = "green",
      fill_opacity = 0.25

  nc <- sfext::read_sf_path(system.file("shape/nc.shp", package = "sf"))

    type = nc,
    name = "Ashe",
    name_col = "NAME",
    dist = 50,
    unit = "mi"
} # }