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Location is used as the data parameter of layer_location_data so this function is primarily appropriate for the layer_mapbox (geom = "mapbox").


  location = NULL,
  dist = NULL,
  diag_ratio = NULL,
  unit = NULL,
  asp = NULL,
  data = NULL,
  crs = NULL,
  paper = NULL,
  width = NULL,
  height = NULL,
  units = "in",
  orientation = NULL,
  geom = "sf",
  basemap = TRUE,
  bg_layer = NULL,
  layer = NULL,
  fg_layer = NULL,
  addon = NULL,
  neatline = FALSE,
  labs_ext_params = list(...),
  save = FALSE,
  ggsave_params = list(dpi = 300, ...),
  env = caller_env(),
  call = caller_env()

  dist = NULL,
  diag_ratio = NULL,
  unit = NULL,
  asp = NULL,
  crs = 3857,
  image = NULL,
  platform = NULL,
  format = NULL,
  orientation = NULL,
  basemap = TRUE,
  geom = "mapbox",
  save = FALSE,
  ggsave_params = list(fileext = "jpeg", dpi = 72, ...),

  location = NULL,
  dist = NULL,
  diag_ratio = NULL,
  unit = NULL,
  asp = NULL,
  data = NULL,
  crs = 3857,
  paper = "Letter",
  orientation = NULL,
  geom = "mapbox",
  style_url = NULL,
  basemap = TRUE,
  bg_layer = NULL,
  fg_layer = NULL,
  save = FALSE,
  ggsave_params = list(dpi = 300, ...),
  image_geom = "label",
  groupname_col = NULL,
  group_meta = NULL,
  number = FALSE,
  num_by_group = FALSE,
  num_style = NULL,
  num_start = 1,
  suffix = NULL,
  sort = "dist_xmin_ymax",
  desc = FALSE,

  bg_layer = NULL,
  layer = NULL,
  fg_layer = NULL,
  addon = NULL,
  basemap = NULL,
  neatline = NULL,
  labs_ext_params = NULL,
  save = FALSE,
  ggsave_params = list(width = 5, height = 4, unit = "in", dpi = 300),
  env = caller_env(),
  call = caller_env()



A sf object passed to layer_location_data() with data if layer is NULL. location is ignored if layer is provided. If data is NULL, location is passed as data to facilitate using this function with geom = "mapbox" where data is used to define the map area. Defaults to NULL


buffer distance in units. Optional.


ratio of diagonal distance of area's bounding box used as buffer distance. e.g. if the diagonal distance is 3000 meters and the "diag_ratio = 0.1" a 300 meter will be used. Ignored when dist is provided.


Units for buffer. Supported options include "meter", "foot", "kilometer", and "mile", "nautical mile" Common abbreviations (e.g. "km" instead of "kilometer") are also supported. Distance in units is converted to units matching GDAL units for x; defaults to "meter"


Aspect ratio of width to height as a numeric value (e.g. 0.33) or character (e.g. "1:3"). If numeric, get_asp() returns the same value without modification.


Character string (e.g. url, file path, or name of data from package) for a spatial data or a sf, sfc, or bbox object with geometry overlapping the location. If data is NULL, all unnamed parameters are passed to sfext::read_sf_ext() with a bbox based on location. If data is not NULL and not a data.frame, url, file path, or bbox, conversion to a sf object will still always be attempted with sfext::as_sf().


Coordinate reference system of bounding box to return; defaults to NULL which maintains the crs of the input object.


Paper matching name from paper_sizes (e.g. "letter"). Not case sensitive.


Page width in "in", "px" or "mm" units. Default: NULL


Page height in "in", "px" or "mm" units. Default: NULL


Units to convert page dimensions to using convert_unit_type().


Page orientation, Default: NULL. Supported options are "portrait", "landscape", or "square".


A character string indicating which ggplot2 geom to use, Default: 'sf'. Options include "sf" (ggplot2::geom_sf()), "icon" (layer_icon()), "markers" (layer_markers()), "sf_text" (ggplot2::geom_sf_text()), and "sf_label" (ggplot2::geom_sf_label()). See details for a full list.


Either a logical vector or ggplot object.

If logical and TRUE, add x to ggplot2::ggplot(). If FALSE, return x as is.

If a ggplot, add x to basemap object.

If a ggproto object (or list that contains a ggproto object), add x and basemap object to ggplot2::ggplot().

bg_layer, fg_layer, addon

A ggplot2 layer or a list of ggproto objects (e.g. scales, labels, etc.) to add to the background or foreground of the primary map layer defined by "geom" and other parameters. If the geom creates an opaque layer or layer is an opaque layer (e.g. a layer produced by layer_mapbox()) that covers the full map extent, the bg_layer will not be visible.


A ggplot2 layer or a list of ggproto objects. If layer is provided, all parameters passed to layer_location_data() (including data, location, dist, diag_ratio, unit, asp, crs, and geom) will be ignored. In this case, the function simply stacks the bg_layer, layer, and fg_layer objects then applies the basemap and neatline (using the set_basemap() and set_neatline() helper functions.)


A logical object, CoordSf object, or a list containing a CoordSf object (typically from layer_neatline()) added to layer by set_neatline().

  • If logical and TRUE, add a neatline layer using data, crs and any additional parameters passed to ... If logical and FALSE, return x as is.

  • If object from layer_neatline(), add it as is.


Optional parameters passed to labs_ext().


If TRUE, save file with ggsave_ext using ggsave_params. Defaults to FALSE.


List of parameters passed to papersize::ggsave_ext().


Additional parameters passed to layer_location_data() for make_location_map() or make_social_map() or to layer_markers() for make_image_map().


Environment for evaluation of labs_ext() if labs_ext_params is supplied.


The execution environment of a currently running function, e.g. caller_env(). The function will be mentioned in error messages as the source of the error. See the call argument of abort() for more information.


Image name passed to name parameter of get_social_size().


Social media platform, "Instagram", "Facebook", or "Twitter", Default: NULL


Image format, "post", "story", or "cover", Default: NULL


path to location of images for make_image_map()


A Mapbox style url; defaults to NULL.


For make_image_map(), geom to use with layer_markers to mark the location of images (based on EXIF metadata).


Group column name, used to join group metadata if group_meta is a non-spatial data frame; Default: NULL


Group metadata as a data frame or sf object that intersect with markers (using join function); Default: NULL


If TRUE, number markers using layer_markers() (not currently supported)


If TRUE, numbers are added by group based on groupname_col.


Style of enumeration, either "arabic", "alph", "Alph", "roman", "Roman".


Starting number; defaults to 1.


Character to appended to "number" column. (e.g. "." for "1." or ":" for "1:"). Can also be a character vector with the same length as the number column.


Sort column name, Default: "dist_xmin_ymax".


If TRUE, sort descending; default FALSE.


Using make_image_map():

make_image_map() wraps sfext::read_sf_exif() and make_location_map(). It is designed for making simple maps of photos in combination with reference tables.


nc <- sf::read_sf(system.file("shape/nc.shp", package = "sf"))

  location = nc

name <- "North Carolina"

  location = nc,
  labs_ext_params = list(
    title = "Map of {name}"
#> Error: Failed to evaluate glue component {name}
#> Caused by error:
#> ! object 'name' not found

  data = nc,
  location = nc[2, ],
  dist = 2,
  unit = "mi",
  crop = FALSE,
  addon = ggplot2::theme_minimal(),
  labs_ext_params = list(
    title = "Map of {nc[2, ]$NAME} County"
#> Error: Failed to evaluate glue component {nc[2, ]$NAME}
#> Caused by error:
#> ! object 'nc' not found

  basemap = ggplot(data = nc[2,]),
  fg_layer = geom_sf_text(aes(label = NAME)),
  data = nc,
  location = nc[2, ],
  mapping = aes(fill = NAME),
  addon = guides(fill = "none"),
  dist = 2,
  unit = "mi",
  crop = FALSE,
  neatline = TRUE,
  labs_ext_params = list(
    title = "Map of {nc[2, ]$NAME} and surrounding {name} counties"
#> Error: Failed to evaluate glue component {nc[2, ]$NAME}
#> Caused by error:
#> ! object 'nc' not found