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This function converts data and location into lists of sf objects using as_sf_list. If location_col, data_col, or col (which sets both to the same value), are provided the col is passed to as_sf_list to allow the creation of an sf list from a sf data frame using dplyr::group_nest().


  data = NULL,
  location = NULL,
  key = c("location", "data"),


data, location

A sf object or list of sf objects with data and corresponding locations.


Names for location and data in the returned list.


Pass location_col and/or data_col to group and nest the data provided to location and data. Use col to set both to the same value.


If location and data are the same length are the same length, they are combined into a single list. If either one is length 1 when the other is not, the length 1 object is repeated to match the length of the longer object. Different length objects where neither are length 1 gives a warning.