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Reading and writing spatial data

Get location of a specified type based on name, id, or location
get_location_data() map_location_data()
Get data for a location
get_static_mapbox() get_osm_static_mapbox() get_location_static_mapbox()
Use mapboxapi to get a static Mapbox map image
read_sf_ext() read_sf_pkg() read_sf_path() read_sf_excel() read_sf_csv() read_sf_url() read_sf_geojson() read_sf_gist() read_sf_gmap() read_sf_download() read_sf_gsheet()
Read spatial data in a bounding box to a simple feature object
write_sf_ext() write_sf_cache() write_sf_gist() write_sf_gsheet()
Write or cache a simple feature object to a file
read_sf_exif() write_exif() write_exif_keywords()
Read location data from images to a simple feature object using EXIF or write EXIF metadata

Access spatial data from online sources

get_esri_data() get_esri_layers() get_esri_metadata()
Use esri2sf to get data from an ArcGIS FeatureServer or MapServer for a location
get_osm_data() get_osm_id() get_osm_boundaries()
Use osmdata to get Open Street Map data for a location
OpenStreetMap building tags
Get Wikipedia articles for a location
get_open_data() get_socrata_data()
Get data from an open data portal (Socrata) for a location
Use FlickrAPI to get geotagged photos for a location
get_states() get_counties()
Get U.S. State and County boundary data for a location
U.S. State boundaries (1:5 mi scale, bbox and wkt)
U.S. County boundaries (1:5 mi scale, bbox and wkt)
set_access_token() get_access_token()
Set or get an access token or API key to/from environment variables.

Check, convert, or modify the geometry of simple feature objects

is_sf() is_sfc() is_sfg() is_bbox() is_sf_list() is_raster() is_sp() is_same_crs() is_sf_or_what()
What is the class or spatial attributes of this feature?
is_geom_type() is_point() is_multipoint() is_line() is_multiline() is_polygon() is_multipolygon()
What geometry type is this feature?
as_point() as_points() as_startpoint() as_endpoint() as_line() as_lines() as_polygons()
Convert an sf, numeric, or other object to a POINT (sfg) or POINT, MULTIPOINT, LINESTRING, or MULTILINESTRING (sfc) object
as_sf() as_bbox() as_sfc() as_sf_list() as_sf_class()
Convert an object to a simple feature or bounding box object
sf_to_df() df_to_sf() check_coords() has_coords()
Convert between simple feature and data frame objects
Use tidygeocoder to convert an address or data frame with an address column to an sf object
sf_bbox_asp() sf_bbox_point() sf_bbox_dist() sf_bbox_xdist() sf_bbox_ydist() sf_bbox_diagdist() sf_bbox_transform() sf_bbox_to_sf() sf_bbox_to_sfc() sf_bbox_to_wkt() sf_bbox_to_lonlat_query() sf_bbox_shift() sf_bbox_contract() sf_bbox_expand()
Measure, transform, and convert bounding boxes
st_bbox_ext() st_bbox_asp()
Get a bounding box buffered to match an aspect ratio
st_buffer_ext() st_edge()
Buffer a simple feature or bounding box object
st_transform_ext() st_omerc()
Transform or convert coordinates of a simple feature or bounding box object
st_erase() st_trim()
Erase an area of a simple feature object
Clip the side or corner of a simple feature or bounding box object
st_scale_rotate() st_center() st_square() st_inscribed_square() st_circle() st_circumscribed_circle()
Modify the geometry of a simple feature or bounding box object
Cast geometry to another type

Create or modify simple feature objects

Make a list of data and corresponding locations
Make a grid over a location bounding box
Filter, crop, or trim data to a location
get_coords() get_minmax()
Get coordinates for a simple feature or bounding box object
get_area() get_length() get_dist() get_bearing()
Get measurements for simple feature objects
format_data() rename_with_xwalk() fix_date() relocate_sf_col() rename_sf_col() bind_address_col() bind_block_col() bind_boundary_col() bind_units_col()
Format data frames and simple features using common approaches
Make map markers from a simple feature object
number_features() sort_features()
Sort and number features by coordinates or distance
Count simple feature objects
mapview_col() mapview_yn() mapview_exif() mapview_flickr() make_img_leafpop()
Use mapview to interactively explore spatial data

Spatial layers for ggplot2 maps

layer_frame() make_frame()
Create map layer with shape framing a simple feature object
layer_icon() geom_sf_icon()
Add a SVG icons to a ggplot2 plot based on a simple feature object
Layer location data into a ggplot2 map
Use mapboxapi to make a Mapbox static map layer
layer_markers() layer_numbers()
Create a ggplot2 layer with map markers or numbered markers
Create a mask layer based on a simple feature object
Set map limits to a simple feature or bounding box with a specified distance buffer, aspect ratio, and panel border
Create a ggplot2 layer scaled to a paper and orientation for a location
make_location_map() make_social_map() make_image_map()
Make a ggplot map using layer_location_data

Working with ggplot2 themes, labels, and file export

is_gg_layer() is_gg_sf_layer() is_gg_scale() is_gg_theme() is_gg_component() is_gg_list()
Check ggplot objects and ggplot lists
theme_text() theme_margin() theme_legend()
Modify the text, margins, or legend for a ggplot theme
Add labels to a ggplot2 location map
scale_group_data() group_data_pal() get_group_data_pal_scale()
Create discrete fill and color scales for grouped data
ggsave_ext() ggsave_social() gtsave_ext()
Save a ggplot2 plot or gt table to file and update file EXIF metadata
Make file name and path with optional label, prefix, or postfix
get_data_dir() create_data_dir()
Check data directory and create if needed
str_trim_squish() str_fix() str_prefix() str_pad_digits() str_extract_digits() str_add_filetype() str_remove_filetype() str_extract_filetype()
Use the stringr package to help make consistent file names
Set overedge packge options

Unit and formatting utilities

is_dist_units() is_diff_dist() is_same_dist() is_longer() is_shorter() get_dist_units() as_dist_units() is_diff_area() is_same_area()
General utility functions for working with distance units objects
Convert distance from scale to actual units
Convert distance (and area) values between different units
Get standard paper and image sizes
Get social media image size to match platform and format
Get margins for a ggplot2 plot or map based on style or distance
Get standard scales and convert to scale distances
Get aspect ratio from string or based on specific paper and margins

Reference data for mapping and formatting

Map icons
Distance units (data frame)
Distance units (vector)
Area units (vector)
Standard map, architectural, and engineering scales
Standard paper and image sizes