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A wrapper for mapview::mapview. x can be an sf object or sf list. If nm is NULL and x is an sf list the first item in the list is used.


mapview_col(x, col = NULL, nm = "data", na.rm = TRUE, ...)

mapview_yn(x, col = NULL, no.rm = TRUE, ...)

mapview_exif(path = NULL, filetype = "jpeg", popup = TRUE, ...)

  x = NULL,
  user_id = NULL,
  tags = NULL,
  api_key = NULL,
  img_size = "s",
  num = 25,
  popup = TRUE,

make_img_leafpop(images, popup = TRUE)



a Raster* or Spatial* or Satellite or sf or stars object or a list of any combination of those. Furthermore, this can also be a data.frame, a numeric vector or a character string pointing to a tile image folder or file on disk. If missing, a blank map will be drawn. A value of NULL will return NULL.


Column name passed to zcol parameter, Default: NULL


Character vector. If x is a sf list, filter the mapview data to those named in nm. If NULL, mapview displays the first item in the sf list; defaults to "data".


If TRUE and col is not NULL, filter NA values from the col before passing to mapview::mapview


Arguments passed on to mapview::mapview


A path to folder of one or more files with EXIF location metadata.


The file extension or file type; defaults to NULL.


If TRUE, add a popup image to a leaflet map; defaults TRUE.


The NSID of the user who's photo to search. If this parameter isn't passed then everybody's public photos will be searched.


Optional list of EXIF tags to read from files. Must include GPS tags to create an sf object.


Flickr API key. If api_key is `NULL`, the function uses [getFlickrAPIKey()] to use the environment variable "FLICKR_API_KEY" as the key.


Defaults to "s" (small). Options ranging from smallest to largest include "sq", "t", "s", "q", "m", "n", "z", "c", "l", and "o"


Number of images to display; defaults to 25. 250 is maximum using get_flickr_photos().


A simple feature object with columns for the image path/url, image width, and image height.