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Read and write spatial data

read_sf_ext() read_sf_pkg() read_sf_path() read_sf_zip() read_sf_rdata() read_sf_query() read_sf_excel() read_sf_csv() read_sf_url() read_sf_esri() read_sf_felt() read_sf_gist() read_sf_gmap() read_sf_download() read_sf_gsheet()
Read spatial data in a bounding box to a simple feature object from multiple sources
write_sf_ext() write_sf_list() write_sf_cache() write_sf_gist() write_sf_gsheet()
Write or cache a simple feature object to a file
Write an sf object to an svg file
Read EXIF metadata to create a simple feature object or write EXIF metadata to image files
Write EXIF data for photos on spatial join with a sf object or list of sf objects
get_data_dir() list_data_files()
Check if data directory exists and create a new directory if needed

Check and convert sf, sfc, and bbox objects

is_sf() is_sfg() is_sfc() is_bbox() is_raster() is_sp() is_geo_coords()
What is the class or spatial attributes of this feature?
Check if x is an sf object
is_geom_type() is_point() is_multipoint() is_line() is_multiline() is_polygon() is_multipolygon() st_is_ext()
What geometry type is this feature?
as_point() as_points() as_startpoint() as_endpoint() as_line() as_lines() as_polygons() as_centroid()
Convert an sf, numeric, or other object to a POINT (sfg) or POINT, MULTIPOINT, LINESTRING, or MULTILINESTRING (sfc) object
as_sf() as_bbox() as_sfc() as_sf_class()
Convert an object to a simple feature or bounding box object
as_sf_list() new_sf_list() is_sf_list() sf_list_rbind() map_as_sf_list() map_as_sf()
Creating and checking sf lists
Convert data to a data frame with X/Y coordinate pairs
as_crs() is_same_crs() is_wgs84()
Convert object to coordinate reference system or check coordinate reference system

Converting sf and data frame objects

sf_to_df() df_to_sf()
Convert between simple feature and data frame objects
Use tidygeocoder to convert an address or data frame with an address column to an sf object
coords_to_sf() check_coords() rev_coords() has_coords() format_coords() separate_coords()
Convert a data.frame with one or more coordinate columns to an sf object
Convert a lon/lat or lat/lon coordinate pair to a sfc object

Modify sf, sfc, and bbox objects

st_bbox_ext() st_bbox_asp()
Get a bounding box buffered a set distance or to match an aspect ratio
st_buffer_ext() st_edge()
Buffer a simple feature or bounding box object
st_erase() st_trim()
Erase or trim geometry of a sf or sfc object
Clip the side or corner of a simple feature or bounding box object
Make a concave hull around simple feature object by attribute
st_union_ext() st_union_by()
Union simple feature objects and combine name column values
Complete a spatial join using a simple feature objects or an object and list
st_filter_ext() st_filter_geom_type()
Filter, crop, trim, or erase a simple feature object or list
st_filter_pct() st_filter_pct_area() st_filter_pct_length()
Filter by share of length or area of one geometry overlapping with a second geometry
st_center() st_circle() st_circumscribed_circle() st_donut()
Modify the geometry of a simple feature or bounding box object
st_square() st_inscribed_square()
Create a square within or around a simple feature object or collection
Scale and rotate a simple feature object, simple feature collection, or bounding box
Nudge a simple feature to the center of another feature and/or a set distance
st_transform_ext() st_omerc() st_wgs84()
Transform or convert coordinates of a simple feature or bounding box object
Checks if all geometries are already valid and make valid if not
Cast geometry of a simple feature object or simple feature collection to another type
Make a grid over a simple feature bounding box

Get information about sf, sfc, and bbox objects

get_coords() get_minmax()
Get coordinates for a simple feature or bounding box object
get_area() st_area_ext() get_length() st_length_ext() get_dist() st_distance_ext() get_bearing() st_bearing()
Get measurements for simple feature objects

Additional utility functions for sf and bbox objects

transform_sf() relocate_sf_col() rename_sf_col() get_sf_col() get_sf_colnames()
Additional utility functions for sf objects
number_features() number_sf() sort_features() sort_sf()
Sort and number features by coordinates or distance
Count simple features based on relationship with a second simple feature object
Count extended for working with sf objects
Make a sf list by grid position
Get bounding box corner points from a bbox, sfc, or sf object
sf_bbox_dist() sf_bbox_xdist() sf_bbox_ydist() sf_bbox_diagdist() sf_bbox_diag_ratio_to_dist() sf_bbox_asp() sf_bbox_orientation() sf_bbox_check_fit()
Measure a bounding box using x, y, or diagonal distance
sf_bbox_to_sf() sf_bbox_to_sfc() sf_bbox_transform() sf_bbox_point() sf_bbox_to_wkt() sf_bbox_to_lonlat_query() sf_bbox_to_npc()
Convert and tranform bounding boxes
sf_bbox_shift() sf_bbox_contract() sf_bbox_expand()
Shift sides, contract, or expand a bounding box
cli_format style for sf objects

Utility functions for units and scales

is_dist_units() is_diff_dist() is_same_dist() is_longer() is_shorter() get_dist_units() as_dist_units() is_diff_area() is_same_area() is_same_units()
General utility functions for working with distance units objects
Convert distance (and area) values between different units
Convert distance from scale to actual units
Compare a distance to the dimension of a bounding box or another distance value
Bind units column to data frame
Get standard scales and convert to scale distances

Utility functions for paper and image sizes

Get standard paper and image sizes
Get social media image size to match platform and format
Get aspect ratio from string or based on specific paper and margins
Get margins for a ggplot2 plot or map based on style or distance

Helper functions for interactive mapping

mapview_ext() mapview_exif() mapview_popup_img()
Use mapview to interactively explore spatial data
rdeck_edit() rdeck_select() editor_options()
rdeck editor

Reference data for units, scales, and paper

Distance units (data frame)
Distance units (vector)
Area units (vector)
Standard map, architectural, and engineering scales
Standard paper and image sizes