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Use the ggsvg::geom_point_svg() function to plot icons using the centroids from the input simple feature object to set the icon location.


  data = NULL,
  iconname_col = "icon",
  icon = NULL,
  px = NULL,
  source = NULL,
  svg = NULL,
  color = "black",
  crs = NULL,

  data = NULL,
  iconname_col = "icon",
  icon = NULL,
  px = NULL,
  source = NULL,
  svg = NULL,
  color = "black",
  crs = NULL,



A sf object. Any objects with polygon geometry are converted to points using sf::st_centroid().


The column name in the input data to use as the icon name. If the name matches multiple icons, the first match from map_icons is used. You may provide a px or source value to select a different match if needed but, in that case, all icons must use the same px or source value. Note that the icon column should not be mapped with ggplot2::aes().


Icon name. Default NULL. If icon is provided, iconname_col is not used.


Icon size in pixels. See map_icons$px for supported options. Optional but may be necessary to differentiate icons with duplicate names.


Icon source. See map_icons$repo for supported options. Optional but may be required to differentiate icons with duplicate names.


Optional. Custom file path or URL with SVG to pass to svg parameter for ggsvg::geom_point_svg(). If icon is provided, svg is not used.


SVG color passed to ggsvg::geom_point_svg(). default color is set to "black".


Coordinate reference system; defaults to NULL.


Additional parameters to ggsvg::geom_point_svg().


nc <- read_sf_path(system.file("shape/nc.shp", package = "sf"))

basemap <-
  ggplot2::ggplot() +
  ggplot2::theme_void() +
  layer_location_data(data = nc)

basemap +
  geom_sf_icon(data = nc, icon = "point-start", size = 10)

nc$icon <- rep(c("1", "2", "3", "4"), nrow(nc) / 4)

basemap +
  geom_sf_icon(data = nc, size = 5)